Plants and machinery

LP Group For more than 50 years it has been processing plastic materials in the production of containers:


This technique consists in injecting the material inside the mold by filling the cavities which, once extracted from the mold, give rise to the cap.

Blow molding extrusion:

This technique by blowing an extruded tube which, when imprisoned and inflated inside a mold, by cooling, gives rise to the container.

Stretch blow molding injection:

This process includes the two techniques previously indicated by injecting the material into a cavity forming the preform which, imprisoned inside the "finishing" mold, will be inflated and cooling will give shape to the container.

Blowing ironing:

In this case, the raw material is replaced by a semi-finished product called "preform", a plastic candle that is heated by ultraviolet lamps before being trapped and inflated inside the mold, to take the shape of the final container.